North Shore Salon Subjects



1. Open: Any subject or style of image - in colour or monochrome.
2. Abandoned: Abandoned as in deserted or left behind, not as in unrestricted or uninhibited!
3. Creative Nature: We intend this category to cater for those images you would like to enter into a “Natural History” competition but can’t because of the restrictive nature of the techniques involved. You may use any photographic technique you like here, but when finished, your image must look natural.
4. Song Title: Your image should be inspired by the title or first line of a published musical work. You should title your image with either the title or the first line, depending on what inspired you.


5. Minimalistic: Focus on simplicity to the exclusion of all non-essential components to express the essence of the subject.
6. Decisive Moment: Capture an event that is ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself in a fraction of a second.
7. Rural Scenes: This subject covers the rural environment and the life and elements found in the countryside. You may include people and animals, but the subject of the image must be the scene in which the people exist, not the people or animals as individuals.
8. Architecture:

Architecture focuses on buildings and man-made structures. It can include building exteriors, interiors, as well as bridges and other structures. It is important that the architecture does not become just a background. Your entry may include people and animals, but they must not be the subject of the composition. It must not be possible to construe your entry as a portrait.


These are the awards for each category: Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, Honours, Highly Commended and Acceptance certificates.

In addtion, The Salon Trophy is awarded to the best overall image.



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